
Effective risk management depends upon the proximate availability of pertinent data drawn from existing front end, back office, and mainframe systems. While transaction systems can provide valuable information about exposure details, information is often in a format that is not readily usable, sufficiently comprehensive, or fully reliable for risk analysis purposes.

The critical prerequisite for any kind of risk management system is the construction of a risk data warehouse. The data in such a warehouse should:

  • be transparent and easily accessible to the end user;
  • be pre-scrubbed and checked for accuracy;
  • transparently interface with the raw source data resident on multiple systems;
  • provide efficient data delivery to the analytical system, the PortfolioView™ engine;
  • support corporate reporting tools and systems;
  • provide the underpinnings of a decision support structure.

As the warehouse grows over several economic cycles, information accumulated in the database proves invaluable as it evolves into a strategic competitive advantage.

RiskWarehouse™ is both transaction loan system and database independent. Financial Analytics comes equipped to provide the necessary architecture and support to map source data into the risk data warehouse.

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